Co-Requisite Support Courses
A co-requisite support class, taken with your transfer level course provides additional instruction and skill-building to help you maximize your success in the transfer-level course. Click on the support classes below to learn more.
English 1A Support Course (2 units)
Prerequisites: Concurrent Enrollment in ENGL 1A
Enhance and support students' critical reading, writing, thinking, and research skills for effective participation in and successful completion of English 1A.
B-STEM Concurrent Support (2 units)
Prerequisites: Concurrent Enrollment in MATH 25 OR MATH 27 OR MATH 9 OR MATH 16
A review of the prerequisite skills and competencies for MATH 25, MATH 27, MATH 9, and MATH 16. Intended for students concurrently enrolled in one of these four courses who need a review of the necessary algebra skills. Topics include effective learning strategies and a review of concepts from intermediate algebra.
Statistics Concurrent Support (2 units)
Prerequisites: Concurrent Enrollment in MATH 15
A review of the core prerequisite skills, competencies, and concepts needed in statistics. Intended for students who are concurrently enrolled in (MATH 15) Elementary Statistics. Topics include concepts from arithmetic, pre-algebra, elementary and intermediate algebra, and descriptive statistics that are needed to understand the basics of college-level statistics. Additional emphasis is placed on solving and graphing linear equations and modeling with linear functions.